Reform Party of Arizona
Tax Reform Platform for National Candidates

The Executive Committee and at least 70% of the entire State Committee of the RPA have provisionally approved this document for publication. It is proposed for formal approval at the next Reform Party of Arizona State Convention. This platform applies to candidates seeking to represent Arizona in the United States Senate and House of Representatives. In recognition of the distinctly different constitutional roles played by national and state/local elected officials, a separate platform will be developed for state and local candidates.

Please address all questions, comments, and suggestions to:

The RPA shall endeavor to direct the taxation policy of the nation to that of one reflecting the original intent of the framers of the Constitution.


The Reform Party will execute a plan to impose and raise tariffs on all goods imported into this country for sale, determined by the country of origin, to attain a level of at least fifty percent of the total taxes collected in the United States.

Income Tax

The Reform Party will work toward the eventual elimination of all federal, state, and local income taxes by immediately and unceasingly reducing the tax in an aggressive, structured, and responsible manner until the tax is nonexistent.

Redistribution to the States

The Reform Party will endorse efforts to prohibit the federal government from raising or disbursing tax revenues to be in turn paid to state governments for expenditures strictly within the auspices of the state governments.