Reform Party of Arizona State Convention
July 14, 2001

The meeting was convened at 1:15 PM.

There were 21 Reform Party of Arizona members in attendance:

CD 1

Adam Bieniek *
Troy Strother *
John Gilbert

CD 2

Janet Kramer

CD 3

Virgil V. Roush
Dorothy "Mimi" Roush
Virgil B. Roush
John Mahoney
Eunice F. Abrahamian

CD 4

Ralph A Brandt *
Rick Bresnahan
Jerry W. Harbin
E. K. Hillman
Thomas R. Buggeln

CD 5

Pam Moan
Gerald Moan
Michael "Ryan" Gauger

CD 6

Elton Hall
James McWhorter
Rosella Quinn
Dr. Weyrich

* Registered at the door.

There was one (non-voting) guest present:

Robert Greeley Barnes


Meeting Organization

It was moved that Dr. Weyrich preside over the meeting and approved by acclamation.

It was moved that Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, 10th Edition be the parliamentary authority for the meeting and approved by acclamation.

It was moved that the order of business should be

  1. State of the State and State of the National Party addresses.
  2. Volunteer Recognition
  3. No later than 1:30 PM

  4. Adopt official version of bylaws.
  5. No later than 2:00 PM

  6. Fill vacancies in Executive Committee (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, 2 At-large).
  7. Elect National Convention delegates and alternates for each Congressional District.
  8. Other business.
  9. Adjourn State Convention no later than 3:30 PM

    No later than 3:30 PM Convene Maricopa County Meeting

    Adjourn Maricopa County Meeting no later than 4:30 PM

John Gilbert moved that the Maricopa County Meeting be conducted first, followed by the other proposed business. This revised motion was accepted by acclamation, and the State convention recessed to allow John to conduct a Maricopa County meeting.

[Editor's note: The minutes of that meeting may be found at http://www.AmeriRoots.com/reform/maricopa_minutes_20010714.html ]

The State Convention reconvened at about 1:30 PM.

Gerry Moan (National Chairman) spoke on the current state of the National Reform Party of the USA.

Rosella Quinn (State Treasurer) spoke on the current state of the Reform Party of Arizona.

Dr. Weyrich awarded certificates of participation to various volunteers who had assisted the Reform Party of Arizona over the past year, including officers, county chairmen, convention delegates to Long Beach, State Fair Booth workers, and members who attended the Citizens for a Fair Vote Count convention in Cincinnati.



It was moved that Whereas several versions of the bylaws exist, it is proposed that

"the version found at the web address http://www.ameriroots.com/reform/edited_bylaws_19990821.html be considered to be the standard version, supplanting all previous versions."

John Gilbert told the Convention that he had examined the text cited and that it appeared to him to contain a valid copy of the bylaws.

The motion was passed by acclamation.

It was moved that whereas the current bylaws do not specify a standard parliamentary authority, the following bylaw addition is proposed:

"Except as otherwise provided by the bylaws, all meetings of the State Executive Committee, State Committee, and State Conventions of the Reform Party of Arizona shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised."

The motion was passed by acclamation.

It was moved that whereas current bylaws do not provide an easy method for dealing with officers who fail to carry out their assigned responsibilities, the following bylaw addition is proposed:

"Any member of the State Executive Committee who fails to execute his or her duties under the bylaws for three consecutive months shall be subject to suspension by a vote of a majority of the other active members of the State Executive Committee. Any officer who is suspended or who fails to attend properly called meetings for three months is considered inactive. The duties of an officer who has been suspended shall be reallocated to the remaining members of the Executive Committee. A suspended officer shall not count in calculation of a quorum. A suspended officer may be reinstated by a majority vote of either the State Committee or the State Executive Committee, or if suspension was a result of failing to call or attend meetings as provided by these bylaws, by attending such a meeting. A suspended officer may be removed as provided for by Article XI of the bylaws."

Discussion followed and the proposed text was revised to be as follows:

"Any member of the State Executive Committee who fails to attend properly called meetings for three consecutive months shall be subject to suspension by a vote of a majority of the other active members of the State Executive Committee. Any officer who is suspended or who fails to attend properly called meetings for three consecutive months is considered inactive. The duties of an officer who has been suspended shall be reallocated to the remaining members of the Executive Committee. A suspended officer shall not count in calculation of a quorum. A suspended officer may be reinstated by a majority vote of either the State Committee or the State Executive Committee, or if suspension was a result of failing to call or attend meetings as provided by these bylaws, by attending such a meeting. A suspended officer may be removed as provided for by Article XI of the bylaws."

The revised motion was passed by acclamation.

It was moved that whereas the present bylaws do not make it clear when the provisional and inaugural rules apply as opposed to when the permanent rules take effect, the following bylaw addition is proposed:

"Whenever the total number of active State Committeemen is less than sixteen (16), Article IV shall govern the election of members to the Executive Committee; otherwise Article V shall govern. Any member of the State Executive Committee who is elected to that position by a Statewide Meeting or Convention shall be considered to be a State Committeeman, as shall any State Committeeman elected to represent a County. Any State Committeeman who is suspended or who fails to attend properly called meetings for three consecutive months is considered inactive."

Discussion followed and a vote by show of hands was taken. Nine (9) favored the motion and four (4) opposed. The revised motion was passed.

It was moved that whereas the by-laws have no provision for our current situation in which we have no Chairman or (apparently) no Vice-Chairman, the following bylaw addition is proposed:

"Whenever the office of State Chairman becomes vacant or the State Chairman becomes incapacitated, the following order of succession shall apply: (1) Vice-Chairman; (2) Treasurer; (3) Secretary; (4) At Large Members of the Executive Committee in rank order of the number of votes by which they were elected; (5) the County Chairmen in rank order by the number of registered members of the Reform Party of Arizona in their respective counties. The individual to whom the Chairmanship falls may demur to the next person in succession without loosing their existing position. The individual who rises to the Chairmanship shall properly notify the Arizona Secretary of State, and shall serve until elections can be held."

The motion was passed by acclamation.

It was moved that whereas the present bylaws may contain typographical errors,

"it is proposed that the State Chairman is given the power to make corrections that do not have a substantive effect."

Discussion followed, and the motion was defeated by acclamation.

A question was raised as to whether the State Convention had the power to amend the by-laws, or whether that power was reserved to the State Committee. A motion was made to recess the State Convention to allow the State Committee to convene a meeting to consider the matter. The motion was passed by acclamation and the State Convention was recessed.

The State Convention reconvened after a 15 minute break. The State Committee, chaired by Rosella Quinn reported that they unanimously ratified the actions taken by the State Convention regarding the by-laws.

[Editor's note: The minutes of that meeting may be found at http://www.AmeriRoots.com/reform/state_committee_minutes_20010714.html ]

[Editor’s note: The revised By-Laws can be found at: http://www.AmeriRoots.com/reform/bylaws_20010714.html ]


Fill Vacancies in the Executive Committee


Dr. Weyrich stepped down as meeting chairman and Gerry Moan presided over the election of a State Party Chairman. Dr. Weyrich was nominated, and two seconds were made. There were no other nominations. Dr. Weyrich was elected State Chairman by acclamation.

Dr. Weyrich returned to presiding over the meeting.


Ralph Brandt was nominated and seconded. There were no other nominations. Ralph Brandt was elected State Vice-Chairman by acclamation.


Dorothy "Mimi" Roush was nominated and seconded. There were no other nominations. Dorothy "Mimi" Roush was elected State Secretary by acclamation.

AT-LARGE (2 Positions):

Three persons were nominated and seconded: Jack Kretzer (in absentia), Troy Strother, and Elton Hall. A vote by ballot was taken, with Jack Kretzer getting 12 votes, Troy Strother 11 votes, and Elton Hall getting 10 votes.

The question was then raised as to whether Jack Kretzer could continue to serve as Yuma County Chair if he became an At-Large member of the State Executive Committee, and it was pointed out that Mr. Kretzer had not accepted the nomination.

A motion was made to withdraw Jack Kretzer’s nomination and to elect Troy Strother and Elton Hall. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation.

Elect National Convention delegates

CD 1:

Troy Strother was nominated and seconded. There were no other nominations. Troy Strother was elected by acclamation by the members of CD 1.

CD 2:

Jack Kretzer was nominated and seconded. There were no other nominations. Jack Kretzer was elected by acclamation by the member of CD 2.

CD 3:

Nobody from CD 3 volunteered to travel to Nashville. A motion was made to allow the Executive Committee to select a suitable delegate. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation.

CD 4:

Nobody from CD 4 volunteered to travel to Nashville. A motion was made to allow the Executive Committee to select a suitable delegate. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation.

CD 5:

Michael "Ryan" Gauger was nominated and seconded. There were no other nominations. Michael "Ryan" Gauger was elected by acclamation by the members of CD 5.

CD 6:

Rosella Quinn and Elton Hall were nominated and seconded. There were no other nominations. Rosella Quinn was elected by a show of hands of the members of CD 6.

At-Large Delegates:

Gerry Moan pointed out that the At-Large Delegates to the Convention were NOT the same thing as the National Committee Members. [Editor’s note: the Arizona By-laws stipulate that the Chairman and the two At-Large members of the Executive Committee are National Committee Members.]

Elton Hall was nominated to fill one ot the two At-Large National Delegate positions. Nobedy volunteered to fill the other position. Elton Hall was elected by acclamation.


Nobody volunteered to be an Alternate Delegate to travel to Nashville. A motion was made to allow the Executive Committee to select suitable delegates. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation.

Other Business

Gerry Moan asked that the State Party contribute to the National Party to help cover the costs of the Convention. Rosella Quinn indicated that the state treasury could afford to contribute $500. A motion was made to contribute $500 from the State treasury to National and was seconded. The motion passed by acclamation.

Janet Kramer indicated her willingness to help revise the by-laws as needed.

Dr. Weyrich gave closing remarks regarding his hopes for future initiatives.

He called for the formation of a committee of issue advocates, each of whom would adopt some particular part of the State or National platform to research and keep track of in the news. This would give the Executive Committee resources to draw on in order to make press releases of Reform Party positions as current events unfold.

He also identified voter registration as the primary concern, and proposed a campaign to give voters a cover letter to send a copy of their change of registration to appropriate Democratic or Republican officials. The cover letter would indicate that they were changing to the Reform Party because of some specific grievance (e.g. the vote to give China PNTR).

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM.

Ratification of Minutes

Jerry Harbin

Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 10:23:33 EDT
From: Oldsouthrising@cs.com

I vote to approve the state and county minutes as they now stand.

Yours for Freedom & Responsibility,

Jerry W. Harbin,
Maricopa County

Ralph A. Brandt

Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 15:48:17 GMT
From: ragtime@indonet.com

I vote to approve all three sets of minutes in question

Ralph A. Brandt

Elton Hall

Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 13:42:35 EDT
From: JOMSWIKING@aol.com

I would like to vote affirmative to ratify the State and County minutes at 7/14/01 AZ. State Convention.

Thank You. Elton

Tom Buggeln

Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 15:59:36 EDT
From: Tombuggeln@aol.com

Also thanks for the courtesy in making available the minutes for the County and State conventions. I vote to accept them as written...Tom Buggeln

Troy Strother

Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:38:16 EDT
From: TLStrother@aol.com

I vote to approve all the minutes as they now stand.


Troy L. Strother

John Gilbert

Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 09:48:54 -0700
From: J. Gilbert Asgard ASIC <jgilbert@asgard-asic.com>

All meeting minutes are approved from my end.


John Gilbert

Dr. Weyrich

I approve the minutes as presented, with the correction of the spelling of Mr. Kretzer's name.
